This is cool! I am going to try some of these! Thank you!

Hey, I'm curious. There is a whole meme in the West that men think too much about the Roman Empire. Is there something similar in China about, say, the Three Kingdoms period?

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It's honestly just Dynastic China as a whole that gets romanticised. I don't see a particular focus on any period (except that everyone ignores the Yuan Dynasty and tries to pretend it never happened). Some particular people might be more obsessive about one period than another, but every Dynasty has its dedicated fanbase (except maybe the Qing Dynasty?)

The Three Kingdoms period, in particular, is exceptionally well known for the amount of gay fanfiction it has produced though, so it's actually primarily popular with the yaoi fanbase which is mostly female.

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That uniform pic is from 2010. A bit late to audit the education department now.

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