To be fair, this is explicitly a comment section discussing parents being cold and uncaring about suicide, so it's gonna come up a lot more. As for the average sentiment, um...without Big Data analysis, I'm not sure I can really say what the average sentiment is. It seems extremely split.
Like, there are a ton of posts made by mothers, for mothers, stressing out about tiny little details about childcare, terrified that they're not giving their children the best. And there are a ton of adamantly child-free people posting about how annoying children are and how they want to punch children in the face the second they start talking.
But at least in my life, it's true people are pretty cold about suicide though. Like, my dad's best friend's wife committed suicide a week before New Years once, and he posted about it to social media, saying, "Jesus Christ, did you really have to ruin everyone's New Years?" His tone was so flippant, that at first, I thought it was some kind of joke. Like she didn't actually commit suicide, she was just threatening it or something. I couldn't believe it when I found out she'd actually died.
What is the average sentiment towards children on Weibo? I was appalled by some of those reactions to the 1st post.
To be fair, this is explicitly a comment section discussing parents being cold and uncaring about suicide, so it's gonna come up a lot more. As for the average sentiment, um...without Big Data analysis, I'm not sure I can really say what the average sentiment is. It seems extremely split.
Like, there are a ton of posts made by mothers, for mothers, stressing out about tiny little details about childcare, terrified that they're not giving their children the best. And there are a ton of adamantly child-free people posting about how annoying children are and how they want to punch children in the face the second they start talking.
But at least in my life, it's true people are pretty cold about suicide though. Like, my dad's best friend's wife committed suicide a week before New Years once, and he posted about it to social media, saying, "Jesus Christ, did you really have to ruin everyone's New Years?" His tone was so flippant, that at first, I thought it was some kind of joke. Like she didn't actually commit suicide, she was just threatening it or something. I couldn't believe it when I found out she'd actually died.
Wow that is really a wild thing to say about your wife passing. Sorry to hear about that. Thanks so much for the reply!