One theme I've gotten out of reading here is how China seems like a low trust society.

There are so many posts about scams and problems. A government official may have stolen some funds, or screwed over a person in some rural district. A person's boss or teacher is awful or abusive. A bank or company is blatantly trying to steal from someone. Even in this update, there is the 'Never sign a blank piece of paper' and 'Missing 130K' which both seem like low-trust society problems.

This feels so different from a Western/rich perspective. For the most I part feel like government officials are well intentioned, businesses are not trying to scam me, and I can trust people I don't know. Is this just a consequence of being a middle income country rather than a rich one? Is it a consequence of the CCP and their style of governance? What do you think explains the constant barrage of posts whose moral is 'The world is out to get you - you have to protect yourself from greedy or corrupt government officials, businesses, etc?'

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A few questions on my mind! No need to answer everything.

In grad school, about 40% of my classmates were international Chinese students, and despite my best efforts, I befriended exactly zero in two years. This was at a STEM program in New York about 5 years ago, but I've heard similar anecdotes from others. Are international Chinese students intentionally closed off to interactions with foreigners? Or do they arrive open-minded and wall themselves off after bad experiences? What's happening here?

Do you think the cachet of studying abroad has changed in the last 5 years?

Is the average Chinese person as virulently anti-Japanese as some of these posts suggest?

What's the contemporary attitude about the low birthrate in China among young people?

Is Taiwan a common tourist destination from Mainland China?

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I've seen several of your posts mentioning watermelons as something very desirable. Are watermelons expensive in China? Are fruits in general expensive like in Japan?

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How does it seem the us election is being spun in China? Especially after the debate, did the state push a bunch of clips of Biden looking senile?

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