That lineage post seemed a little confused. It listed a lot of examples, but I’m not sure it pointed out any differences! And I’m going to cry foul on using fictional examples lol

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I think the main different OP is driving at is a family's attitude towards children who aren't the primary inheritor of someone's estate. So in China, all of a family's love/care/resources goes towards the eldest son, and maybe the second eldest as a "what if" back up. Any other children get absolutely nothing. They won't even get any help if they're so destitute as to end up a prostitute. If they even avoided being drowned as a baby. Even among Chinese nobility and elites.

Whereas OP thinks that western gentlemen clearly feel much more of an obligation to support children, even illegitimate ones, even ones whose parentage is in doubt, because it's just not socially okay to let a child that's even possibly yours end up a beggar when you're a prince?

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There's a Chinese version of "Finger lickin good" ???

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吮指 technically means "finger sucking", but it's the term KFC in China uses in their promotions

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