I wonder if "gold digger" is a direct translation; it's a useful bit of metaphor either way, but more striking if the term has made it over exactly (either from Chinese -> English or vice versa).

Choice paralysis in dating is definitely an issue, but sort of tricky to work around without giving up the benefits of how we got to it in the first place. Possibly (AI?) matchmaking services that do the curation for you, to cut it down to fewer but hopefully better-for-you-specifically choices.

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It's not a literal translation. The Chinese term is "捞女" or "捞男", depending on the gender. 捞 is a verb that describes the motion of scooping something from the bottom, like when you're getting a piece of meat out of your soup. A literal translation wouldn't make much sense, but yeah, it basically means "gold digger" in China.

:P Instead of AI matchmaking services, why not just date the AI

I want an AI wife

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There have definitely been observations that AI significant others are already pretty close to "good enough" so long as you don't need the physical side of things. Those observations go on to say that this makes AI boyfriends more likely to be effective than AI girlfriends. It seems plausible enough, but I wouldn't be surprised if things went differently anyway - lots of variables.

The goal of AI matchmaking services is, at least in theory, to make AI an improvement on dating, rather than an outright replacement for dating (at least before we get uterine replicators), so that we don't accidentally make ourselves go extinct. One-Child Policy was bad enough, No-Child Actual Practice would be worse.

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We could also just do AI spouses + IVF. You date your AI husband, and he sends you some sperm, and you go make a test tube baby with him. Or you date an AI wife, and occasionally give her some sperm, and uh. Hmm...

I see men might be shit out of luck in this scenario if they want their own baby.

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