“When I was in Japan, a hairdresser told me I was cute like a puppy.”

One time when I was a little kid in my "girls are icky" phase my father told me that someday I'd want a girlfriend to cuddle with and I said no because I have a dog and dogs are cuter than girls. My father said "Well, if it's just some strange woman you see on the street then that's true, but if it's a woman you love then she's just as cute as a dog" and my mother went "wait a minute."

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“I’ve never met anyone whose eyes are both visible while in profile. It’s so magical!”

Girl is a Picasso

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What P2P scam?

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Theoretically, it's a Chinese shorthand for "peer-to-peer lending", a really popular thing that people invested in--a platform that could collect little amounts of money from a ton of people, and then lend it to people who need money, charge interest, and give it back to the original investors. In actuality, it was only ever nothing more than a ponzi scheme in China.

It started around 2010, and was extremely popular at the time, because a lot of higher up CCP officials personally did ads for it and called for people to invest and stuff. Then various platforms started collapsing in 2018, and all of 2019 was spent cleaning up the disaster. In 2020, the whole concept was banned in China.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

America -> American

shouldn’t has -> shouldn’t have

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> “Your legs are so thick! I love them!” We both went silent.


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I can tell you that every single Singaporean man who’s had to serve in the infantry during their National Service and complete the mandatory jungle survival training in Brunei will say it is literally hell on earth 🥹

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Oh, I'm sure it's not fantastic or anything, but what does Borneo have to do with this in particular XD XD

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Oh, Brunei is a nation on the island of Borneo! 😂

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