[From an IP in Canada:] “Ran into an Asian today. He approached me in English and asked, “Where are you from?”
Me: I’m from China.
Him: I’m from Taiwan. Can you speak Mandarin?
Me: (in Chinese) Oh, Taiwan province! I can speak Chinese.
Him: Hahahaha, which province are you from? (trying to hide embarrassment) Are you on vacation in Vancouver?
(I thought he’d turn around and leave, but he didn’t XD)
Comments say, “Whenever I’m talking to a Taiwanese person, I asked if they’re from out of state or not. No matter which way they answer, they’ve proven that Taiwan is just a province.”
“I’m pretty sure Taiwanese car license plates still say “Taiwan Province.””
“I got lost while studying overseas in England and ran into an Asian from a Literature major. We said hello in English and I asked her if she was Chinese. She said she was Taiwanese, and she took me to where I needed to go. We walked about five minutes and chatted about everything from her major to our hometowns, from the books we’ve read to the hobbies we have. By the time we got to my door, she just stared at me. I hesitated and told her “bye” like a dumbass, and I’ve never ran into her again.”
“Thank you, MIL, for leaving me some dinner. Just taking one look has made me lose all my appetite.”

Comments say, “There’s protein and veggies. The head of the fish has been cut away and just the best middle part has been left for her. Although the middle of the rice is gone, it’s not like it’s watermelon and it’s sweetest in the middle. It’s all freshly made rice. You gotta learn to appreciate what you have.”
“No fish heads, no fish tails, leafy greens, more eggs than tomatoes, and you even got the meaty body of the crab. What else do you want?? Are you still not happy? Or do you just enjoy being yelled at?”
“Why is the rice in the middle gone?”
“When the baby was born, she said he was too little and she didn’t dare to hold him and had to wait until he was 100 days old. Now, the baby is almost 5 months. My maternity leave has ended and she has to take care of him now, and she threatens him with her fists all day, yells at him. Now he trembles every time he sees her!”
[It’s okay, there’s nothing too excessive in the video except for a frustrated, “Are you gonna sleep or not?” at a volume that I regularly speak to my kids at.]
Comments say, “She doesn’t love your husband so she doesn’t love your kid.”
“If you’re gonna be such a pussy, then don’t post it on the internet and make everyone else mad.”
“Then don’t let her watch the kid. She’s going to hurt him, and he’s gonna get dumber.”
A blogger shows a whole bunch of screen caps, summarising, “Japan and the West don’t have many good days left.”
“Japan’s news artisans are so efficient. Today (9/18), in the morning, a little boy at the Shenzhen Japanese school got attacked on his way to school and was stabbed. This happened at 8:30AM in the morning, but Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary “revealed” this at the press release at around 10AM to reporters. This news was able to travel from the streets of Shenzhen to Japan’s highest tier of government in a mere 1.5 hours and immediately reach trending status on the Japanese internet. You gotta admire Japan’s news efficiency.”
“This whole combo is smelling more and more like it was scripted. Everyone is reacting way too fast.
Pic 1: Yesterday afternoon, the Japanese Embassy called all the Japanese companies in China in for an emergency meeting.
Pic 2: Organising Chinese people in Tokyo to hold a memorial and release a group statement.
Pic 3: All kinds of flowers and signs left at the site of the incident.
Pic 4: Japanese companies are promising to pay travel costs for any Japanese employees who want to return to Japan as a result of this incident.
Pic 5: This is the only news Yahoo is talking about.
Pic 6: A list of all the attacks on foreigners in China lately to create an image that China is xenophobic (even though Chinese people get attacked all the time in Japan, and it’s commonplace in Europe and America)
Pic 7+8: Takaichi Sanae and Kishida Fumio immediately came out with their takes.
Pic 9: Japanese media making up bullshit about China allowing importing of Japanese seafood again (just clickbait, literally never happened)”
“Even the bastard Kishida talked about this. In the 51 years that America has occupied Japan, they’ve committed more than 6200 crimes on just the illegally Japanese occupied territory of Liuqiu [Okinawa]. On average, an American soldier commits a crime in Japan every 3 days, including robbery, rape, and murder. There’s been multiple cases of American soldiers raping Japanese women, and some of the victims are even underage students, and he never dared to say a word.”
[A twitter post by a user named Hashimoto Kotoe] “A japanese boy and his mother were both attacked while going to school in Shenzhen, China. 100 years ago, in the 20th century, hunting Japanese people was very popular in China. They would dig out the eyes of Japanese children, cut out their intestines, stick bottles into the vaginas of Japanese women and breaking it, destroying their uterus, all because they were “Japanese”. Now, modern day Japanese people have forgotten the history of hatred and crimes that led to eventual war.”
[An extremely long post talking about all the supposedly suspicious details of the Fukushima waste water dumping operation. I won’t bother translating it, because I’ve covered almost everything said here before, and most of it is very technical. But it’s basically just a bunch of conspiracy theories claiming that the waste water was never properly tested.]
“Between 2020 to 2021, there were 10905 crimes in America targeting Asians. On average, every day, nearly 20 Asians are victimised by racist Americans. There was a 361% annual increase in crimes against Asians in New York.”
Comments say, “This is an old recipe from 1932.” [Commenter attaches a screenshot of a post that reads, “In 1932, Imperial Japan created the “Mukden Incident” to occupy the three Dongbei provinces in China. Japanese invaders of Taiwan urged Li Lu to create some excuse for Japanese soldiers occupying Taiwan to invade Fuzhou. Finally, on the 3rd of January, 1932, at 7PM, an assassin sneaked into Fuzhou’s Japanese primary school dorms and murdered the vice-principal and his wife (who was 8 months pregnant at the time). The Japanese invaders used this as an excuse to send Admiral Matsuyama Taro to invade Fuzhou with a destroyer on the 4th of January, 10AM.”
[A picture comment of a man sitting on the subway with funerary flowers and a sign that reads, “We’re all sinners.”]
“This is just like the Marco Polo Bridge Incident.”
A compilation of something unique about each province:
“Henan, the only province with no 985 universities.”
“Shandong, the only province where you can ride a grandma across the street.”
“Henan, the only province with only one 211 university.”
“Sichuan, the province with the most homos.”
“Shandong, the province that’s made fun of every day T_T”
“Zhejiang, the only state where you can’t get into high school with an entrance exam score of 500 [out of 750].”
“Shanxi, the only province named Shanxi.”
“Jiangxi, the only province with thirteen state capitals XD”
“Henan, the only province with me in it.”
“Hebei, the only province with nothing unique.”
“Sichuan is probably the province with the lowest female to male ratio.”
“Hunan, the only province where every county has a veteran cemetery.”
“Shandong, the only province where we just guess at our weather reports.”
“There’s this really popular TV show lately called “A Song of Ordinary People” that I recommend everyone go watch. In this TV show, there are three protagonists in Beijing. One a vice-CEO at a company driving a BMW. One is a PhD holder from a 985 University working as a government official. One is a key personnel at a big tech company making a million a year, with a 160 square metre house in Beijing. These three are what a leftover woman [woman still single after 25, generally considered a derogatory term] staying in Beijing temporarily calls “ordinary people”. All of their wives look down on them.
The target audience of this TV show is actually pretty pitiable. If you’ve paid any attention to TV shows over the last decade or so, you’ll find that it used to be trashy romances with arrogant CEOs, then it’s successful career woman dating college kids, then it’s arrogant CEOs falling in love with divorced women who’ve had several abortions. It’s all the same people watching these shows, but their tastes have changed as the times have went on, and all the capitalists are fleecing the exact same demographic. Oh, right, I saw a pretty popular short series on Tiktok “Old Man I Lightning Married is a Tycoon” is basically arrogant CEOs falling in love with divorced and menopausal women. Blows my mind.”
Comments say, “You keep going on about women, but why don’t you ever talk about all the other TV shows where high quality women are forced to date shitty sweet potato men?” [short and fat and cheap and covered in dirt]
“But the show is pretty close to reality. I have a PhD from a 985 University, make a million a year, and have decent height and looks, but my wife is always saying that if I was single, nobody would want me.”
“What, are people not allowed to write about their dreams? [doge]”
“No, seriously, is this for real? No way!”
[OP attaches a tiktok screenshot which says, “On the 12th of September, 2024, Da Hinggan Ling has welcomed its first snow this autumn. Winter has officially began. Doesn’t time move fast?”]
Comments say, “We still have the AC on and you guys already need to turn on your heat?”
“It’s still 40C in Chongqing and there are places where it’s snowing??”
“You ever spent summers in Fujian? It goes on forever.”
Question: “Is China really the safest country in the world?”
Answer: “My mom’s best friend’s daughter is going to a 3700 USD a month daycare at a rich area of Boston.
They require that kids wear their shoes to bed at nap time, and she wasn’t used to it and it took her a month of adjusting before she could fall asleep.
I was like, “But why aren’t you allowed to take off your shoes while napping? Isn’t it uncomfortable?”
And it turns out, the reason is that this way, it’s easier to grab the kids and run if there was some kind of terrorist shooting attack.
I’ve never heard of any daycare in China that makes kids wear shoes to bed.”
Comments say, “Stop spreading rumours. Daycares in America only accept kids 2.5 years old or younger and it’s mostly about teaching kids independence. Teachers don’t help them dress or undress, they have to go to the bathroom by themselves, eat by themselves, and there’s no bed at nap time, just a simple mattress. The main reason they wear their shoes to bed is just because kids don’t know how to put on their shoes by themselves and teachers don’t help. If a kid was capable of putting on shoes by themselves (like shoes with no laces), then the teachers won’t stop them from taking off their shoes either. Of course, keeping shoes on helps in emergencies like earthquakes or fires too. Also, kids have to go to the bathroom by themselves. The teachers don’t help. If they don’t know how to, then the parents have to taken them home and toilet train them. There’s no utensils at meal times, it’s all finger foods like hamburgers or chicken nuggets, and the teachers don’t care how much you eat. It’s all about independence.”
“It’s so ridiculous that it sounds really fake.”
“Look at their level of alertness [doge]”
> “Shanxi, the only province named Shanxi.”
This one's funnier in English