Due to a “””major accident”””, Changfeng Hospital has requested that trades on its stocks cease for the time being. Comments question, “Why the fuck are hospitals allowed to become incorporated anyways? Basic social services like education and healthcare and elder care shouldn’t be tools of profit!”
Below the above post from a major news source, is a post by a blogger talking about the same Changfeng Hospital.
“In 2018, Changfeng Hospital made a revenue of 513 million RMB, 50 million of which were profits.
In 2019, they made 518 million in revenue, 12 million in profits.
In 2020, they made 426 million in revenue, and made a loss of 37 million.
In 2021, 581 million in revenue, 29 million in losses.
In the first half of 2022, they made 253 million in revenue, and 33 million in losses.
Changfeng Hospital is headquartered in the Fengtai suburb of Beijing, with initial starting capital of 145 million RMB, and is a privately held incorporated company, with stocks trading at 7 RMB per share. Its total market value is 1.018 billion dollars.
The reason that Changfeng Hospital started reporting a loss in 2020 is very much due to the effects of the pandemic—it caused costs to rise, revenue to fall, and is the main reason behind its three continuous years of losses.
Changfeng hospital is a very archetypical for-profit hospital which became known to everyone due to a fire which killed 21 people. This is a major incident, and they have put a stop on trades on their stocks. They need to focus on quickly investigating the cause of the fire, comfort patients and family, and make settlements with the ones who passed away.”
Comments say, “Ah yeah, here we go. I was wondering when economics bloggers would start jumping out insisting that for-profit hospitals don’t make money.”
A submission to a humour blogger, “I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years. Since we’re seriously discussing marriage, my in-laws bought a house for their son. We used to rent by ourselves. When the in-laws bought the house, they said since it’s new, they’d like to live in it for a little bit. Once our rent lease is up and we move in, they’ll move out. They even said that if we don’t want to live together with them, then they won’t come by to bother us. But now that we’re preparing to move in, they’ve changed their mind. They’ve even reserved one of the rooms for his sister, and said that they’re going to stay over every Saturday. What do people think? Is this appropriate?”
Comments reply, “If you don’t like it, why not save up money and buy your own house?”
An education blogger writes, “I’ve had a parent break down at me, saying that their kiddo’s grades are really bad. The 50% elimination rate is bad enough already, but rumours are saying that the government might be raising the elimination rate up to 70%. They have no idea what to do.
I actually think that the bigger problem right now is that everyone is taking tests to become government employees.
It’s not so bad if it’s a skilled position, but if it’s just generic office work, then it’s inevitable that it’ll be entirely replaced by AI in the next couple of years. Writing reports, making excel sheets, making power points, an AI can finish in a day what a whole room of people take a week or even a month to do. And AI completely eliminates office politics and cuts the costs down to almost nothing.
If even in middle-age, you’re facing a government-mandated elimination rate, and you don’t have an irreplaceable skill, wouldn’t the stress be even worse?
Some people are saying that teachers can’t be replaced by AI? Have people taken a look at Khan Academy? In the future, 99% of teachers will be without a job. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I think it still illustrates the problem.
Now that the manufacturing industry is starting up in America again, even if their code monkeys lose their jobs, maintenance workers, automation engineers, even machine operators are still fought for by companies.
What every country is going to need in the future is high-end blue collar workers who can work on smart production lines. We’ve all seen those scam pamphlets that promise to teach numerical control, machining, or welding, and if you can’t get a job, they’ll refund your tuition. But now I’m thinking, man, wouldn’t it be great if kids with bad grades can at least learn a trade?
We just hired a house inspector a while ago (buying a secondhand house, need an expert to come in and make sure that nothing’s seriously wrong with it), and he could tell at a glance that the bathroom remodelling was done like shit, what possible places might leak, etc. He looked around for less than 2 hours, and made several hundred bucks. This isn’t a job a robot can do, and it doesn’t need a diploma.
So there’s no point in fighting over grades, or trying to be the few that stand out in the national exams. Robots aren’t going to replace cooks or nurses for a while yet. If you want to create a good future for your kids, you need to see how things are going to change in the future and keep your mind open.”
Posted by a blogger in Australia.
Someone notes, “Just went to my exams for government jobs, and found out that everyone around me is just there to obtain a copy of the test. I could hear the guy next to me tearing questions off of his test. That’s the first time I’ve seen it happen in person! He didn’t show up to the interview in the afternoon, so I’m sure he’s just here to steal tests.”
Comments say, “I’ve got to be grateful to these people though—or we wouldn’t have past years’ exams to practice with. Honestly, people from tutoring agencies are nightmares for exam proctors. I’ve seen people get their test handed to them, just to immediately toss it out of the window to their accomplice’s hands.”
Under the trending topic why #you have to give birth at a public hospital, a doctor posts a video of a woman suffering from amniotic fluid embolism, needing a team of 50 experts, some called in from other hospitals, to partake in her rescue effort. She went through all the A-type blood supply that was available on the hospital, and by the time they were done, she had received a transfusion of over 30,000ml of blood (which yes, means she had had all of her blood replaced 7 times over). She was in a coma for 11 days, suffering massive organ failure, and miraculously survived. The head of the ob/gyn department there remembers only eating once in three days, watching over her the entire time. I would give the story in detail, but it’s filled with way too many technical medical terms that I’m just not skilled enough to translate. I’m sorry.
Comments are filled with nurses complaining how hard it is to work in the maternity ward, with all the deaths that they see.
Nobody actually dies in the video shown, but I still decided not to link it, because uh. I’m not sure how youtube feels about videos of actual bloody surgeries?
A tiktok video of a little boy that accidentally falls onto some train tacks in India. His mother is blind and can’t find where he is and help him. Just as the train is barreling down towards them, a man runs up and helps the kid back up to the wait area. Internet comments say, this world is fucked up all to pieces, but there are always people trying to repair it.
Comments question, “Why the hell is a blind person allowed to take a kid outside all by their own? If she’s blind, shouldn’t there be some kind of worker or volunteer helping her? This is some dangerous ass behaviour. Thank god there was a hero nearby.”
A submission to a relationship blogger, “I’m dating a soldier. I went shopping at the supermarket for some sauces and skincare products, and got a whole bunch of snacks for him. I thought he could share it with his mates. It was mostly potato chips, tofu slices, swiss rolls, and spicy bars, but he got mad at me for buying stuff that nobody wants. That’s not what I’d meant when I bought these things at all. I just thought he might get hungry, and he’d appreciate some snacks. What should I do?
She posts a screenshot of her conversation with her boyfriend, where he says, “It’s like the higher my expectations, the greater my disappointment. The first time you bought me snacks, there were all kinds of awesome stuff. Now? You buy the best for yourself, and just gets whatever is on sale for me. You know that nobody eats fucking swiss rolls. Why would you even buy those for me? What are you trying to say?”
OP: “You’re so ungrateful. I spent my own money and hauled all of this stuff home—did you even appreciate that? I didn’t buy anything on sale. Why would you yell at me like this over nothing? I’ll never buy anything for you again. I’m also super disappointed in you for the first time.”
Boyfriend: “Try to take this at least a little seriously. All of this stuff is what, 150 RMB put together? Is this the sort of shit I buy for you?”
Comments ask, “Who does he think he is? A General?”
Jay Chou posts photos of his daughter, saying that he’d took her to her music exams these past couple of days, and her teacher had said to her, “Well, maybe one day you’ll be like Jay Chou…” When his daughter came back, she looked at him like he was a superhero. He determines that he has to take her to more of these exams.
A blogger reposts Netease News reports confirming two new government policies. First, that middle school exams will now eliminate 70 percent of people, and only 30% will pass. The biggest reform in middle school and high school education in the first half of 2023 is the shift in elimination rate. The rate that people go to high school versus tech school or apprenticeships is going to be kept at 3:7, to increase the student body for tech schools and create a larger number of skilled labourers.
The demographic that is going to be impacted the most is undoubtedly those students who grades hovered right around the admittance mark. With this adjustment to elimination rate, it’s very possible that they will have no chance of reaching high school, and must drop out, or study at a tech school.
The people who are eliminated will not receive a high school diploma, which will make it more difficult than ever for them to find employment.
Comments are still filled with people saying, “I can’t believe you’d believe this shit too! You can tell that anyone posting about this all have an overseas IP. Surely, you know what kind of panic they’re trying to engineer.”
An economic blogger comments, “Right now, the number of newborns is lower than the number of college students admitted per year by several million. This means that one of two options are going to happen. Either there are massive shutdowns of universities all over the country, and all of these tenured professors get thrown out to go be garbage men. Or, they’re going to beg you to go to university. Which one do you think is more likely?
That is to say, if you’re trying to plan a future for your kids, there’s no need to worry about their grades anymore. The person who is the most impacted by this is going to be nannies from rural villages. They work their whole lives to produce a graduate from a shit local college, just for that diploma to turn out worthless. They might’ve been better off just letting their kiddo learn how to lay tile.
Basically, two trends are gonna happen in the future
So long as you’re not trying to become the deputy director of a nationally famous hospital or some shit like that, diplomas are gonna be worthless. In the west, there are plenty of cases of people with doctorate degrees going to fix cars for a living. It’s just like how back in the 50s, you’re at the top of the academic field if you graduated from middle school, but now that’s everybody.
Only three things are important to a kid’s future—employment, marriage, and housing. And all of that is going to depend on who their parents are. If you have two, it’s twice the pressure.”
Someone asks, “Every time I eat fruits or snacks with my coworkers, one of them asks, ‘Can I take this home for my kid?’ God, it makes everyone so awkward! And she does it every time! She’ll pack it up in a little bit of paper to take home to her kid. It makes my toes curl with awkwardness ahhhhhhhhh.”
Comments agree, “It feels like she’s like a beggar or something.”
“I can accept taking your share home for your kid. I get annoyed about people who say they want to get some for their boyfriend and take two shares.”
“It’s not like this is some kind of bonus from work—the reason that people are holding these snack parties is to enjoy themselves. Packing it up to take home for your kid is just so…cheap. Like you can’t afford this normally or something. I would feel awkward about it too.”
“It’s not like they’re expensive. If it’s tasty, just buy more for your kid. This is the kind of love that would make me feel stressed out as a kid. If my mom was like this, I would tell her to quit that shit. You need to love yourself as a mother too.”
The current elimination rate for middle to high school is 50%? In other words, only 50% of children will go to a regular high school and get a high school diploma, and the rest either start working after middle school or go to a technical school? How good are the vocational high schools in China? Are they like Germany where this is a path to a decent living, or is it more like trade schools elsewhere where it just means you're screwed?
What I don't understand is the idea that they'd have fewer people go to high school (and thus college) in the future, by eliminating 70% instead of 50%. Since China is moving up the value chain and becoming more developed, wouldn't you want to increase the minimum level of education, so workers are prepared for work in a more advanced labor market? Seems backwards.
Is trying to pass exams to move from middle to high school a one-shot thing where if you fail you are done, or can you keep retaking them every year if your family has the resources?