01/03/25 - I asked them for a needle to change my SIM card, and she charged me 10 RMB to use it.
“People from Jiyang who frequent the train station, don’t go to this supermarket!
They’re total, utter frauds. They’re so dishonest.
About half a month ago, I was getting on a train and I had 400 RMB in cash on me. I was worried I’d lost it on my way, plus I wanted to buy some stuff on the internet, so I was looking for a supermarket where I could exchange cash into wechat money.
I went to this supermarket and, out of politeness, I bought a bottle of Mizone (since I was bothering them to exchange money for me, I figured the least I could do was buy something), and then I asked if they exchange money there.
The owner said yes, so I gave her my money (and I counted before I entered to confirm I had 400), and when I looked at my phone to open up my payment QR code, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her throw a 100 RMB bill on the ground and then tell me, “Isn’t this 300RMB?”
I didn’t expose her lie, and just said, “That’s not right. Count it again.”
She might’ve realised she got caught, so she looked at the ground and laughed and said, “Oh, sorry, I accidentally dropped one. Okay, that’s 400 bucks. I need a 10RMB processing fee to transfer it to your wallet.”
I agreed (even though that processing fee is a bit too high). Then she forced me to buy another 5 RMB of stuff, plus the Mizone I already bought, my 400RMB became 380RMB.
The most important part is!!!
This is the second time I’ve come here to exchange cash.
I suddenly realised that she’s conned me way back during summer break. I had brought 500RMB that time, and when I handed it over to her, it became 400RMB. I didn’t catch her last time and innocently thought I must’ve lost a 100RMB bill somewhere.
After experiencing what happened half a month ago, I’m certain that she threw that 100RMB on the ground in summer break and I just didn’t catch her!
Since it’s been so long since summer break, I don’t have any evidence and I can’t call her out for it. But when I saw her throw the money down in such a practiced motion half a month ago, I’m sure this isn’t her first or second time doing this. She must be a habitual offender.
Anyway, I’m never going to this supermarket again. I hope all friends out there who frequently catch the train from Jiyang Station do the same.
Frauds will never make money! Karma is gonna come for them!”
A compilation of comments, “One time, I went to exchange 40 bucks and I double checked before walking in the door, and when I handed it over to her, it became 30. And she forced me to buy a lighter and a pack of tissues and charged a processing fee, so I only ended up with 25.”
“One time I went to buy cigarettes. I won’t complain about a pack of Joyous Blues going for 22 RMB, but they were charging 6RMB for a lighter. She promised to give me a pack of tissues for free, but I just told her straight up I don’t need that fancy of a lighter, I’ll take one that’s 1 RMB. I picked up a really crappy lighter and asked how much it was, and she said 2 RMB. I was like, “Aren’t these always a buck? Whatever, I don’t need it.” And she hurried to say that 1RMB was fine too. I bought my stuff and took a pack of tissues and she didn’t say a word. Maybe it’s because I’m pretty big and mean-looking.”
“New Year’s Eve, I wanted to talk through the store to go to the lobby to get on my train, and they wouldn’t let me pass through without buying something. I’ve remembered this chain ever since.”
“Red flags! Red flags! Red flags! On my way back from Jinan, my phone ran out of charge so I went there to charge it. I bought a soft drink (even though I wasn’t thirsty), but she still charged me to charge my phone. I forget if it was 2 or 3 bucks. I only charged my phone there for three minutes.”
“When you’re shopping there and hesitating over what to buy, she watches you like you’re a thief.”
“Same here. Deliberately dropped 100RMB on the floor and got caught by me.”
“Last time I went in to ask for a plastic bag, and she forced me to buy over 30RMB of stuff.”
“I went in to print off two sheets and she charged me 5 RMB and made me wait forever. I said I didn’t need it anymore and she still charged me 2 RMB processing fee. She charged 1RMB for a 50cent pack of tissues too.”
“I used to buy cigarettes from there all the time. Then once, I went there to change money, put cash in my wechat. I wanted 200RMB, and she wanted 20RMB processing fee. I didn’t exchange it and never went there again.”
“I got scammed out of 100RMB too. I honestly thought I lost it T_T”
“Even the betel nuts I bought there were fake.”
“Last time I went to exchange 200RMB, I only ended up with 196.”
“Last time, my friend bought some instant noodles there and wanted to borrow their hot water, and they wanted 5RMB for hot water. It was only enough hot water to cook some instant noodles! But we were both students at the time and we were cowards.”
“Last time I went to exchange money, I gave her a 100RMB bill. She didn’t say a word and just transferred me 97RMB, and then she told me she wanted a 3RMB processing fee.”
“I asked them for a needle to change my SIM card, and she charged me 10 RMB to use it.”
“I bought some stuff there and while paying, I offhandedly mentioned to my classmate that I want to swap out my SIM card that night but didn’t have the needle for it. The owner immediately said she had it, poked my SIM card tray open with a toothpick and then charged me 5RMB.”
A discussion on canings in Singapore that started over the post, “Anyone been to Singaporean prison or been caned in Singapore? I did some stuff lately and got bailed out, but my friend said I’ll probably be sentenced to a caning…I’m really scared…”
“Haven’t you seen videos of canings? The executioner is super accurate. Every strike lands on the exact same spot and cuts you open. Every strike, the doctor checks your heart rate and blood pressure. If you can’t take it and pass out, they’ll wait until you get better before they continue. However many strikes you have left over, that’s how many you’ll get. And the scars last for the rest of your life. If you want to keep living in Singapore, every time you take off your pants, everyone will know you’ve been to prison and been caned.”
“What did you do?”
Response from OP: “Sexual harrassment…”
“You should’ve properly apologised.”
“I did…but I looked up similar cases online and almost all of them got canings…”
“What are the specifics? Did you just grope her or what?”
“I felt her up and hugged her and filmed it.”
“Yeah, you’re getting caned. No escaping it.”
“Unless you go to Thailand and get a sex change surgery, because they don’t cane women.”
“You won’t even be able to control your bowels when they whip you.”
“There are a lot of nerve endings in the butt that connects to the pelvic joint. Imagine it yourself. If they fuck up your tailbone nerve, then not only is it going to hurt every time it rains, but it’s going to hurt when you stand up, or sit down, or lie down. You’re going to be in constant pain. The kind of pain that radiates down your entire back and legs. And if your muscles get damaged, it might increase your pelvic joint flexibility. You might not be able to squat down, raise your leg up, or bend at the pelvis, or it’ll limit your mobility. I suggest you prepare to spend a lot of money on rehab afterwards.”
“And it rains all the fucking time in Singapore.”
“I know, right? OP said he filmed it too. Who has time to film just normal, every day sexual harassment?”
“Most people can’t even take one strike. He’s definitely gonna have to take his 20 strikes in installations, and his injuries are gonna get torn open again and again.”
“I saw in the comment section that it causes internal injuries that are going to hurt for the rest of your life. How wonderful.”
“Who’s saying that canings are cruel? Canings are the best! I strongly recommend China import this!”
“Honestly, I think canings are great too. When I was there, my landlord friend got sentenced to 6 strikes over tax problems and he had to sleep on his front for a year.”
“Shanghaiese must be furious.”
[A picture of the Shanghai skyline at night, where a building has a big screen playing, “Beijing welcomes you.”]
Comments say, “Shanghai is Beijing. Beijing is Shanghai.”
“We Shanghai people still need to do business with Beijing after all.”
“It’s roughly the same as this, right?”
[A picture of the Hong Kong skyline that reads, “So close. So beautiful. Come to Hebei for a weekend trip.”]
“Civil servant exam takers are more afraid of the New Year than pigs.
I’ve been graduated for a year now, didn’t get into a postgrad program, unemployed, taking the civil servant exam, no SO. I’ve got every buff in the system. I hide from every family gathering, big or small, but there’s nowhere for me to run at New Years. I’m more afraid right now than the pigs. I’m so scared people are gonna ask what I do. I have no idea if I’m allowed to stay at my dorm over the New Year. What excuse can I use to stay outside?”
A compilation of comments, “Thank god my cousin got arrested for whoremongering this year, and my granduncle got a divorce with his mistress and is already living with someone else, so I’m not gonna be the centre of discussion.”
“Same, but I don’t really care. They can say whatever they want. For a while right after I graduated, I was also really worried other people will find out and make fun of me, but actually, nobody really cares about you. And human nature is that people are only really happy if they see other people failing. Maybe your situation can actually make everyone else feel “joyous”. So long as you don’t care about their opinions, then there’s nothing to be scared of. Honestly, just say you don’t have a job and you’re retaking your exam. What can they do? If someone really tries to give you a hard time over it, then you know exactly what kind of person they are and once you’re successful, you can not associate with that person. We’re definitely gonna be successful one day, right?”
“Prepare a couple of cans of extra-thick yogurt, and if anyone talks too much, just stuff a spoonful in their mouth.”
“Don’t think this way! I’ve been unemployed after graduation for over two years, and I call up my granduncles and uncles all the time and urge them to help me out. My nephew is unemployed too. All the elders in my family are scared to death of giving me pressure. Every time I call them, I’m asking if they can work hard and find me a job that pays well.”
“I’m not taking the civil servant exam. I’m just a normal salaryman. And all my relatives look down on me during the holidays, because my sister is a government worker. They’re like, “Officials are different from normal people.” and they call me useless.”
“Hahahaha, I make 50K a month, and my sister is a teacher for 5K a month, and all of our relatives think she’s really successful and I’m just so-so. Whatever, she can be stable in her poverty while I work hard on being free in my wealth.”
“If your relatives ask, “Why don’t you have a job?” You can respond, “Sigh, the environment is so bad these days…” If your relatives continue to ask, “How’s your exams coming along?” Respond, “Sigh, it’s going on. The environment is so bad…” If your relatives continue to ask, “What about postgrad programs?” Respond, “What about them? The environment is bad.” If your relatives ask, “Do you at least have a date?” Respond in the end, “Sigh, the environment is too bad…””
“My relatives ask what my brother and I major in every year, and then they’ll praise my brother and be silent at me, and ask me if I have a date, if I have a job, why I’m only doing so-so despite spending so much of my parents’ money.”
“Just tell them you got an interview just after the New Years.”
“No, don’t do that. Just don’t say anything at all. If you say you got an interview but then didn’t actually get a position, they’ll gossip even more. As soon as I got an interview, my parents told all my relatives, and when I didn’t get in, they all started making up conspiracy theories like we didn’t bring enough gifts or whatever. It’s so annoying.”
“Why pigs?”
“Because pigs will be dead before the New Years, but people have to last through the holidays.”